Friday, August 27, 2021

This blog contains information on causing late-onset schizophrenia

It also provides information for an individual diagnosed with schizophrenia to use in determining whether they've been affected by this cause.

The information provided here covers the concepts, methods, and basic science involved in something done under the radar in this country and which has caused a non-zero number of schizophrenia instances.  How often this kind of thing is done and how many have been effected are unknown.  Supposedly, there are now precautions in place that minimize how often someone exposed to it develops schizophrenia.  How much comfort can be found in that statement depends on our willingness to believe everything we're told.

This is not a medical blog.  Please look to a WebMD, NIMH, or to Google for that type of information.

[Equipment or Apparatus]

Let's jump right in and examine the most basic setup required to demonstrate how schizophrenia works:

  • Cell phone - if it's capable of playing recorded audio through a 3.5 mm stereo audio jack it will work.  Neither the manufacturer or the age of the device is important.
  • Set of USB powered stereo speakers with a 3.5 mm audio jack.  Each speaker in the pair needs it's own volume controls though.  Otherwise 2 individual speakers will be needed.

Figure 1 - Cell phone and speakers

Given a setup similar to this one it's possible to duplicate the process used to cause schizophrenia.

Here's the catch:  One speaker will need to be ruined before it can work the most effectively.  This means one speaker will need to have it's paper diaphragm and center cap carefully removed.  The other speaker can stay intact until after the training is completed.  We don't want the speakers for the wide range of sound they produce - it's the coil driven to move in relation to the magnet that's important.  That's how we'll imprint an oscillation of our own choosing onto a "carefully managed" current.  And when the oscillation encounters different types of objects in it's path it will transfer energy to them as infrasound.

Between the oscillation and the infrasound there should be just enough sensory information to create a perception from.

Someone who has successfully trained their mind should be able to perceive any messages sent in the current.  For everyone else in the affected area... they won't "hear" a thing.  If they were asked "can you hear that?", the most likely responses would be:
  • "Go see a doctor."
  • "Get back on your medications."
  • "Stay away from me." 
Wait... you've never  heard of this before and it sounds suspiciously similar to the things "crazy" people say as they race around and destroy other people's things?

It is very similar.  So similar, in fact, that it's probably not a coincidence.  But the same principles are at work in current based intercom systems.

[Hearing or Perception]

Anytime we hear something but it exists only in our mind, it's actually a perception.  That sounds simple and clean cut but recognizing this from a sound hear normally isn't always easy.

In this case we're taking advantage of aural sound.  That's a fancy way of saying vibrational energy perceived as sound.  There's a slight difference between this and normal hearing though:

  • The vibration being perceived is within the person themselves.

So to everyone that's been diagnosed with schizophrenia due to hearing voices in their head...  it might not have been just you.  There may very well have been something nearby producing an oscillation containing encoded speech or talking.  If you feel better knowing that - great.

Regardless of that please continue reading.

[Electricity/Electrical Current/Radio/Static Interference or Voices]

  • 'It's all around you and you can't turn it off.'
  • 'It's all in your head!'

Here's where it starts: something connected with the electrical infrastructure for an area malfunctions or reaches a state where it's no longer correctly grounded.  At least that's the assumption for now.  Just be glad it's not something like a 5G cell tower that's responsible.  Will all the rumors and conspiracy theories centered on cell towers it's just the excuse some would need to start tearing them all down.  But given a malfunction or incorrect ground this can introduce current into an area as it tries to find a path to ground.

There's something different about the current in this instance though.  It's almost as if a transmitter were driving it at a specific frequency intended for an antenna.  That frequency appears to be approximately 2600 Megahertz (2.6 Gigahertz) and it actually does affect conductive things in it's path - they turn into antennas.  Vehicles, light poles, street signs, gas meters, and metal fences all start sending signals at approximately 2.6 Gigahertz.  That particular number is also interesting as an approximate multiple of 8.  We won't go into that for now but just know it involves resonance.

What you'll need for confirming this:

  • Magnetometer - if it's rated to detect either AC or DC electromagnetic fields then it should work.  EMF meters for this are available for less than $20.
  • RF Meter - if it's rated to detect GPS, Bluetooth, Wifi 2.4 GHz, and Wifi 5.2 GHz then it should detect 2.6 GHz.  Meters rated to detect all of them are available for less than $20.
  • Frequency Counter - if it's rated to cover the frequency spectrum where 2.6 GHz resides it should work.  Counters for this are available for less than $20.

[Conditioning/Training or Interrogation]

  • 'Tell us what we want to know and we'll let you go back to sleep.'
  • 'This isn't going to stop until you tell us what we want.'
  • 'You'll only get one shot at this.
  • 'Did you hear it?  You were able to pick that up quickly.'
  • 'Follow it down the well.'
Now that you either live somewhere that stray electrical current has been irresponsibly introduced or you have your own "carefully managed" current, you'll need to go through a "burn in" period of conditioning and training.  To describe this as unpleasant is an understatement.  But rest assured that choosing to do it for your own reasons is much, much better than having it done to you without explanation.

Human beings can "safely" tolerate a low level of current for prolonged periods.  During the burn in period it's important to use the maximum amount you can tolerate and still sleep at night.  You won't be comfortable while this is going on.  There's a good chance it will actually be painful.  So I'm not recommending anyone try it just for fun.  I mean, being able to say you have "telepathy" is kinda cool but not that cool.  Try smoking cigarettes instead if coolness is what you're after.

So... where does one sign up for this training?  There's no sign up and even better it's done while you're sleeping.  In short, the speaker with the diaphragm and center cap removed will play your chosen training material at full volume.  It's only job is to imprint an oscillation in the current - so no sound.  The intact speaker will start off at full volume too but it's volume will be slowly decreased night after night until it's silent leaving the first speaker still providing the oscillation at full volume.

If you've read that last paragraph more than once and still think it's clear as mud, the even shorter explanation is: You're teaching your mind to recognize words from just the oscillation and infrasound.  The sound is needed for this initially, but as the lesson sinks in each night the sound will be dialed down.

There's too many uncertainties about the setup you use, training material you choose, and interest or aptitude you show while sleeping to know the following for certain:
  • How long will the training period take?
  • How often should the sound volume be reduced?
Keep in mind that the speakers pictured are to illustrate how schizophrenia works and their power output is too low to be very effective.  Once some minimum requirements are better defined that information will be provided.

The last thing to do before starting the training involves choosing your training material.  It should be something that completely grabs your attention when you hear it.  Whatever form or topic that takes should work as long as the voices and speech it contains are both clear.  That may be music, books on tape, or movies as long as it's something you love or are interested in.  Using material you're familiar with - say a superhero movie - will allow the training to go quicker than if you're hearing it for the first time.  Set a timer to play your material during the hours you're deepest in sleep and you're set.

[A Constant Distraction or Source of Information]

Let's say you give this a try for 2 weeks solid.  For 14 days you've slept through your favorite movie and now you'd like to know if any progress has been made.  Pop Quiz!  This is done while awake by playing the same material using only the oscillating speaker and not the intact speaker.  But don't sit and concentrate on perceiving anything.  Leave the material playing and do whatever things you normally do without paying any special attention it.  If you've made progress you might start having one or more words, maybe a sentence or phrase suddenly appear in your thoughts.  If that happens you'll need to determine the grade you've earned.  Quickly pause the material and note the approximate timestamp so you can see what was playing.  There should only be 3 possible outcomes:
  • What you perceived in your thoughts had nothing to do with the material - failure.
  • What you perceived was something that had just been played - success!
  • What you perceived was part of something about to be played. - you have schizophrenia which is based on the expectation or anticipation of hearing something.
And now you understand how schizophrenia works from the closest angle possible.

But don't start trying out medications yet.  You should be able to continue the training while maintaining awareness of what you're experiencing until you get past it.  Did that give you second thoughts about trying this out on yourself?  I sure hope it did.

I'm making no recommendations that anyone should try this just to see what happens.  But at some point this information might be useful.

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This blog contains information on causing late-onset schizophrenia

It also provides information for an individual diagnosed with schizophrenia to use in determining whether they've been affected by this ...